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Important Upcoming Events

Feb 13 | Orange Ave Community Meeting

Join the Public Works Team at a community Town Hall for updates and information on the Orange Ave Backbone Bikeway project on Thursday, February 13th, from 6 -7pm at the Expo Arts Center, 4321 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach CA 90807. Have your questions answered and comments heard to help inform decision making around the project’s final design. Visit to learn more.

Feb 26 | 1131 Wardlow/3401 Cerritos Community Meeting
Join the Community Development Department’s community meeting on Thursday, February 26th, with doors opening at 6pm and discussion beginning at 7pm at the Expo Arts Center, 4321 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach CA 90807. to discuss the proposed affordable housing community at Wardlow & Cerritos. The information below has been provided by the Community Development team. 
This will be a project design review meeting as a next step in the process. The meeting will provide an interactive, open house style format for community members to both learn more about the project proposal and provide feedback on project design, specific project components and alternatives. The event will also provide opportunity for all members of the public to share verbal comments as part of a town hall style format meeting. If you plan to attend, they ask that you please RSVP.

In the meantime, please feel free to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other project and review process information, such as the Initial Study and scoping comments, all found on the Community Development Department’s Environmental Reports page